21 Feb 2010

Topalov and Aronian draw in Round 8

Aronian escapes Topalov's clutches after White misjudged move 34.

Round 8 LINARES 2010
Linares 2010 Round 8
D43 Semi Slav

First half of the game to play through.
Comments inside the game notation.

and what an entertaining game it is proving to be.

I always think that Aronian brings out the best in most of his opponents.
It is a gift that I as a viewer really appreciate.

A real pity that Topalov put his Queen on 29.Qd2, when 29.Qc2 looked so very good.
Still, what doI know.

and this is the end for Aronian, or something very similar.

Oh no, it isn't

Too easy. Topalov deviates on 34, where he plays 34.Bb3, heaven only knows why, instead of the desirable 34.Rxe4.

the engines have him plunged back into equality, rather than +3.10

and they draw.

Topalov must be as sick as a dog and Aronian will be thanking his lucky stars.

I thank them both for a most entertaining afternoon.

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