25 Oct 2008


Can't be bothered to put up the game itself, as yet again I fell asleep halfway through and by then it was obvious that no more than half a point was going in Kramnik's direction.

However, on Move 11 I was expecting 11.Nb3 after the rap on the knuckles from Anand. (One can hardly call it a novelty).

So I took a closer look at this Knight move, the more so as somebody told me that this actually came up in the press conference after the game. Kramnik said he had looked at it, but it needed more time. Ahem. More time? He's had 18 months.

Actually, it is not a brilliant improvement on the text, unless Black feels compelled to answer wih 11...Qb6, opening the -c-file, rather than the more productive 11....Qb7.

To see the analysis, take a look here on a separate page. I did it in the form of a .jpg file rather than the usual format.

Let me know if you like it.

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