8 Sept 2008

Carlsen versus Aronian

Today it is a D47, Semi-Slav Meran.
Carlsen forgoes his usual choice of 5.Bg5 and plays 5.e3 instead.

By move 15 he has already sacrificed his second Pawn in exchange for an open position.

He is certainly adventurous and one might say dashing, in this tourney, making full use of the new scoring method. Will it be worth it?

Three hours later: 1-0 or rather 3-0 win for Carlsen.

Aronian goes to pieces and pushes his e-pawn too late, on move 26 rather than move 24.

At the time of posting this Topalov and Radjabov seem set for a draw, which would put Carlsen as number one.

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