Nakamura and Anand draw in a mixed Queens Indian - Nimzo
It looked like Anand had winning chances, but then it petered out into a draw.
Play-through game with a few of my thoughts as they went along.
25 Jan 2011
Tata round 9
23 Jan 2011
Tata Round 8
Finally a proper game in the A group.
CARLSEN BEATS NAKAMURA in a fascinating Najdorf.
How satisfying.
By the end of the day, Nakamura and Anand will still be in the lead on 5.5, and the other top contenders now share on 5 points.
Thank you Magnus, you have restored my faith in top chess.
17 Jan 2011
Tata 2011 round 3
Nakamura versus Shirov
Ruy Archangel C78
First 30 moves with my thoughts as it happened,
to play through on live board.
16 Jan 2011
Tata Round 2
Anand versus Kramnik
OK, so it was another short draw,
but it was a bon-bon of a game.
Kramnik set Anand a puzzle at various stages of these 23 moves.
Anand worked them out and managed to hang in there.
The Reykjavik bit in the live page is a mistake.
I am too tired to go back and take it out.
So for Reykjavik read Wijk aan Zee
Not so different, linguistically, actually:
Wijk and vik both been place as it happens.
In case you want to pronounce it anywhere understandably:
[Vake arn Say] would do it.
15 Jan 2011
Tata game 1
Carlsen versus Aronian
Spineless draw or unavoidable rep draw after less than optimum moves from both sides by move 20??
After move 13....Nb4

After 18.h4
And then Aronian moves his d-pawn one square too many.
18.....d5? when 18...d6 might have been wiser.
After 18...d5 19.Qf4 dxc4, Carlsen forgot to move his Queen to =h6= first and played
Let's hope I see it wrong.
Carlsen is let off.
Aronian misses the good continuation and puts his a-Rook on the wrong square.
20...Rad8 would not have been so brill for White.
Come to think of it, playing 20...Kh8 before playing 20...Rab8 would have led to a nice little earner for Black.
20.bxc4 Kh8
21.Rh3 Rab8
22.Re3 RxR
23.fxR Qa5
24.Qd4 Qa2+
25.Kc1 Re8
Not too shabby for Black, what?
I'm sticking with it: bxc4 was impetuous and non-rewarding.
Again, I hope I'm totally wrong.
And let's face it: Carlsen has his share of good fortune.
Ahhhhhhh they draw ......
This does not make me at all happy.
Bring on the LONDON CLASSIC effect of fewer points for draws.